Saturday, August 24, 2024

Starting Over Again

 Well, we all know what they say about good intentions...

I will say again, as I've said before, I do intend to write more regularly.  I have heaps of ideas swirling around in my mind and so much has changed in my life since my last post.

It has been years! since my last post so perhaps a brief re-introduction is called for.

I'm Cat (she/her) and live in the Southwest US with my husband and now three children.  I had an abusive childhood and as an adult have been diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, Social Anxiety, C-PTSD, SAD, GAD and gifted. Just to keep things fun and interesting I also have Health Anxiety and Celiac disease.  My husband and children are all neurodivergent and we are a homeschooling family.  Before my children were born, I was briefly a public school teacher.  I quickly realized it was not going to be a good fit for me for many reasons (this was before any of my diagnoses).

Nowadays, I look forward to the cooler weather that Fall brings when I can get out hiking again. I am happiest outside and would be out camping every weekend if that were possible.  

My intentions with this blog are to have an outlet to write and to hopefully be of some help to others.  I am one Autistic person describing my experiences in a world not made for me.  Perhaps in sharing, I can help someone else not feel alone in the world (as I so often have).